100 Snippets

100 Snippets Over the last few months from the 5th September 2012 until the 5th April 2013 I tweeted 100 snippet’s of information about networking, routers, broadband etc. I also published them as updates in LinkedIn and most in eCademy/Sunzu.  I hope some...
What can I do with my router – part 2?

What can I do with my router – part 2?

More about basic router set-up information … Default DNS, primary, secondary DNS stands for “Domain Name System”.   This is important for browsing the internet.  Each web site you go to resolves to a 4 part IP address such as (in this case...
What can I do with my router part 1?

What can I do with my router part 1?

It’s been a while since I wrote an article for this blog.  I’ll skip the excuses and see if I can muster some continuity from now on I thought I’d touch on some basic set-up information and maybe some more useful feature setup info.  Routers vary so I might talk about...
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