When Hosted Desktop Services May Not Be Right For You!

When Hosted Desktop Services May Not Be Right For You!

Hosted Desktop services are great for many businesses but there are situations when they are not a good solution or maybe it’s better that they form part of a mixed solution. Here are some situations where Hosted Desktop may not be the best solution. Internet...
10 Reasons Why I Like Hosted Telephony So Much

10 Reasons Why I Like Hosted Telephony So Much

I don’t know exactly what the future holds or what phones are going to look like in a few years time but I am pretty certain that in the near future more and more phone conversations are going to go over the internet. Desk phone systems, mobiles and soft phones...

100 Snippets

100 Snippets Over the last few months from the 5th September 2012 until the 5th April 2013 I tweeted 100 snippet’s of information about networking, routers, broadband etc. I also published them as updates in LinkedIn and most in eCademy/Sunzu.  I hope some...
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